» Olo

Tom Wegener Surfboards

On a powerful head high swell when the board will begin to work, the ride is amazing. You know when you first catch a wave and start the drop? That is what the whole ride is like on the Olo. I strongly suggest that anyone who is serious about their surfing ride an Olo before they die. There is a danger however – everything else feels slow and insignificant afterwards.
Tom Wegener


1 Resposta to “» Olo”

  1. 1 Don Lobito abr 12 2007 às 11:25 am

    Animal essas pranchas, da raiz da coisa…tenho q dropar uma com essa gigante…

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“Eu vou pegar uma onda todos os dias, mesmo que seja na minha mente.”

“I will catch a wave every day, even in my mind.” Shaun Tomson

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